find what you need
Whatever your interest in veteran entrepreneurship is, we are here to provide the solution.
The Center has assembled a database of private sector, regional, community, state and federal government programs, and services for entrepreneurs. The center has partnered with several organizations that are eager to aid veterans in pursuing small business ownership. Through the center’s database veterans and their families are able to search and access thousands of resources to help them along their entrepreneurial path.
Academic Research
The Center organizes current data to drive new and necessary research. The center is focused on gathering, organizing, and publicizing the knowledge that is generated. The research will be used to influence strategies and policies that will have a positive impact on business creation and growth for transitioning servicemembers, veterans, and their families.
These education programs range from academic degree programs at the undergraduate level, master’s degree, Ph.D., certificate courses, incubator and accelerator programs, short trainings, and more. Leading online course platforms like Skillshare, Udemy & Coursera are helping veterans by offering discount all courses to their family members. All of these programs have a focus on providing veterans and their families the skills, tools, and up to date knowledge that is necessary to thrive as small business owners.
Whether you’re a veteran looking to do business with a Fortune 500 company or a large corporation wanting to work with veterans, the center will serve as a bridge between stakeholders and networks. A database of certifications, supplier diversity initiatives, networking events, and more has been created in conjunction with the Coalition for Veteran Owned Business (CVOB) to keep all parties up to date on the latest best practices.
Find resources in your state
About the Center of excellence
Center of Excellence (COE) for Veteran Entrepreneurship
The Center of Excellence (COE) for Veteran Entrepreneurship works to unite veteran-owned businesses, researchers, small business program managers, policymakers, resources, and private and public companies in an organized effort to make transitioning service members, veterans, and their families successful business owners.
Complete coverage. find resources where you are.
Local resources in all 50 states, DC, and American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Veterans represent 9% of the US population
There are 21.2 million US veterans out there. Find how you can connect with others like you.
12% of Veterans are self-employed
And they are responsible for over 2.5 million veteran-owned small businesses in the US.
Veterans are 45% more likely to be self-employed
Running a business is difficult work. Find resources in your community to help you succeed.
center of excellence team
The Center of Excellence is led by a dedicated team at the Institute for Veterans and Military Families.

Misty Stutsman